Sailing the seven seas


Today we sailed the seven seas, with Captain Zach leading his scallywags on a pirate adventure of seeking treasure. This all started with a suggestion to make a fort, before we knew it we had changed it to a pirate ship. This is exactly the kind of learning we love, an idea sparking about three hours of fun and extension of ideas and working theories. 

Once we had all of the ideas of how to make a ship we worked together to make it strong enough for the rough seas (collaboration). Then we had to make pirate flags (literacy, creativitiy) and of course the treasure maps. Next our ship had to have telescopes for the pirates to search for treasure, unbeknown to me Ebony and some other children were busy making pirate hats inside (imaginative play). The children soon set up blankets in the ship and gathered leaves for pirate food. This play lasted most of the afternoon.

We have been donated a wooden dingy and Josh has some amazing ideas for this. This will be a great way to extend this leaning and spark other ideas. Life at the beach has so many opportunities for knowledge.