Saving to buy our own book
When it comes to reading, if children are given choice, their motivation, engagement and achievement improves. With this in mind we gave tamariki the opportunity to earn and save their own money to purchase a book from the Scholastic Book Fair.
Tamariki were sponsored for being responsible around the house. They brought the money they earnt to place in their very own Piggy Money Box, donated by BNZ. By the second week of the school holidays our tamariki earned enough to buy a book of their own choice or take a dip in our Literacy Lucky Dip Barrel.
When Lilly helped to fold the washing at home and be responsible for washing her hair without a fuss and brushing her own teeth, her Mum and Dad rewarded her efforts with 50, 20 and 10 cent pieces, which went into her named Piggy Bank. After a few weeks Lilly counted up her coins, then went shopping at the Pop Up Book Fair. What an achievement for Lilly.
During this week we invited past students and grandparents to visit and read to the children.
This initiative also supports BestStart values of commitment, respect, enthusiasm, diversity, integrity and trust in our tamariki.