School, here we come!
After consultation with whanau, one of our centre priorities is to support children to be ready for their pathway to kura. So in our over two's room, we have been setting up learning experiences to support and encourage our older to children become school ready. We have set up this programme because we are mixed age centre being two years old to five years old and some of our children needed more of a challenge.
We also hold mat times which encourage our tamariki to use their communication skills to contribute their thoughts and ideas with their peers. It supports our tamariki to work together while taking turns. All of our tamariki are welcome to engage and participate in the mat time.
The experiences that we provide are available to extend and support our tamariki in developing their knowledge and ideas around school. All of our four year olds have their own book that they can open up and do whatever they want. If they decide they want to practice writing their name then the teachers are scaffolding and supporting that child to do that through an interest of theirs.