School Visits

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The children in the prep rūma have been doing school visits down to our local school - Shirley Primary. The children get so excited when it is 'school visit' day and all line up to put on their vests. All the 4 year olds get the opportunity to be apart of this excursion as we run it fortnighlt if weather permits. Its great that we are able to get Whanau involvement to support our trips. It is a highlight for all the children as they get to interact with the new entrants as well as see old children from preschool who have gone to school. It is a good way for the tamariki to get a feel for kura (school) the routines, expectations and layout, all while having lots of fun looking and exploring new resources and a new playground. It is also very special to have this on-going bond with our local school and working together to benefit all our learners. The children get so excited when it is school visit day and all line up to put on their vests. Its great that we are able to get Whanau involvement to support our trips.