Sensory Play at BestStart Halswell Road


BestStart Halswell road nursery love messy play. We enjoy exploring sensory activities that encourage exploration and participation. Our tamariki love getting involved in these experiences and exploring their senses while having a blast. A typical day in our nursery involves lots of fun, laughter and a sprinkle of messy play. 

Our kaiako at BestStart Halswell Road believe that children under 2 are very capable learners. Our environment reflects this as we set out learning environments that are age and stage appropriate for under 2's. We have painting or messy play experiences available for children to engage with at their choice. 

Children are welcome to join in when they like as painting is out ready for them multiple times a day. We find that when activities like this are available to children on a regular basis, they respond with excitement and readiness to learn. Children enjoy revisiting their learning and discovering new ideas and ways to explore. Representing similar sensory play activities for children encourages them to revisit learning and allows them to explore more complex ideas as they make discoveries through play. 

Sensory play activities are great for providing children with ample opportunities for social learning as they learn to play with and alongside others. Through turn taking, sharing resources and enjoying learning with peers, children can develop these skills for learning.