Setting tamariki up for success!


Here at BestStart Burnside in the Kāhu Room we have a great focus around ‘Set for School’ where we support tamariki in preparation for the next step in their learning journey, Primary School. One aspect to this is the wonderful relationship we have with Roydvale Primary School, which is just a short walk from our centre. Once a term our tuakana are lucky enough to go on a school visit to Roydvale Primary where they have the opportunity to experience and explore a Primary School classroom environment. 

We visit during their Discovery Times where there are often many activities and experiences set up to engage in. Last week when we went for our final visit of the year, the letter of the week was ‘P’ so our tamariki had the opportunity to learn all about this letter where they made parrots and got to build a lego pirate ship among lots of other fun activities! T

hese visits are always so exciting and wonderful for our tamariki to experience and something our tamariki always eagerly wait for every term! These opportunities set our tamariki up for success for their next major transition in life and this is something we see as being a vital part of learning for our tamariki.