Something new
Without a doubt the best part of working with young children is the ability that we have to build close relationships with them. Out of these relationships we are able to create a safe place where children are comfortable to explore and experience new things. One of our favorite things to explore is messy play In what ever form in comes in, of which there are many!
Messy play gives children the chance to explore different textures, to tip, pour and mix which encourages early math concepts. Messy play also supports peer relationships as children play alongside each other and learn to share resources as well as space; it encourages communication and relationship between all people involved because it is FUN!
We love to laugh with our children and to play alongside them, exploring this great big world and learning about each other as well as how the world works!
Today we explored shaving foam with our toes; at first children were unsure of how this would go..... but soon they were happily engaged in the process of spreading the foam around with their feet. There was a lot of laughter and giggles and children expressed their delight at this experience!