Soulfood in April
As we began another month and approach the colder season, the children, whanau and nga kaiako of BestStart Regent Kindy came together to prepare a hearty fried rice dish for less fortunate people through Soulfood Whangarei.
Once again, on the first Friday of the month, the children gathered the generous donations from our whanau: uncooked rice, spring onions, eggs, ham, sausages, and mixed veggies for the yang chow fried rice. The children also learnt about the cooking equipment needed for the dish: the rice cooker and wok.
The children eagerly offered their help with tearing the meat into smaller pieces then the nga kaiako whipped up the ingredients altogether and voila! We were able to fill a large tray ready to be served and shared to those in need.
Special thanks to BestStart Maunu Village for the fish fingers and to our ever-supportive whanau for providing all of the ingredients for the fried rice, as well as the salad. The people were delighted to partake of the lovely meals that were made with aroha. With each and everyone's contribution, we were able to serve delicious and healthy meals that nourished our dear brothers and sisters in the community.
"He kai kei aku ringa" - There is food at the end of my hands