Special Visitors


Special Visitors to the Centre We have had the privilege to have the Police and Ambulance service come to visit our Centre and talk to the tamariki about their jobs. 

We had Community Constable Meg from the Christchurch Police visit us at Preschool. The tamariki got the opportunity to explore the police car and wear a police hat too! Meg talked to the tamariki about the role the NZ police play in our society. She explained that the police are here to keep us safe and to help people. She also explained about the markings on the uniform that they can recognise. 

We then had the Ambulance visit us a few days later. The lovely ambulance officer showed the tamariki some of the special life-saving equipment they use in emergencies and explained how they help sick and injured people. The tamariki enjoyed practicing how to wrap a bandage on each other, trying on the oxygen mask and even checking their heart rate with the special fingertip monitor. 

The Tamariki have such a great week learning about how different emergency services help out in our community. It is so wonderful to have these opportunities and positive relationships with our community leaders.