Spider mania
Over the last few weeks, the Toddler tamariki have become very interested in spiders after spotting one on the fence, and a daddy long legs up on the classroom ceiling. This interest blossomed from just a couple of tamariki, to nearly everybody! We have been on spider hunts, where we looked under rocks and wood outside, and checked out the ceilings in the classroom. Looking for spiders has even been helping some of our tamariki settle when they arrive in the mornings.
To support this interest, Cathy worked with the tamariki to make their own spiders using recycled yoghurt containers as the body and adding legs and some googlie eyes. We made a spider’s web for some of the spiders to hide in, as well as displaying them around the classroom, reading stories, and singing songs. The initial interest extended to bugs and insects in general, and on another playground search, we found a preying mantis which we looked at using our new magnifying glasses.
As they explore, tamariki begin to make sense of the world, and respect and appreciate the natural environment. Kaitiakitanga, (guardianship, environmental stewardship) is an integral part of this process. We look forward to being able to continue being able to excite, inform and guide our tamariki as they learn through their play.