Splish Splash Summer


In the Fantails room we are making use of this beautiful summery weather by engaging in a lot of water play! Utilising the smaller trough and hanging water bottle we are able to create a play station with water that is constantly flowing ready for exploration. 

The tamariki are given the opportunity to use the watering cans, bowls and buckets to collect the water as it is flowing down, learning basic math's as we experiment with volume and measuring. When the tamariki felt that their container was full enough they were then able to tip it in to a larger container watching as the volume continue to rise with each pour, before going back to repeat the process. 

Some of the tamariki enjoyed standing under the flow of water enjoying the sensory experience of the cold water trickling down their head and shoulders as they cooled off in the summer heat, inviting their friends to come along and join in. 

Group activities such as water play is great way for tamariki to work alongside each other or together, we are learning about taking turns with resources and creating space for everyone to learn and play in their own time.