Sports for Tots

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In term 2 and 3 we were lucky enough to be invited to attend a free sports programme at the Te Atatu Peninsula Community hall called “Sports for Tots”.  The programme takes place over eight sessions and is completely free for children aged 2-5.  This experience is provided by the Auckland City Council.

Every week eight children and two teachers walk through our community and make our way to each session.  Getting our children out into the community supports their developing sense of the wider community and understanding of the world around them.  It also supports them to understand ways of being safe when we are out in the community, and there are always lots of friendly people who stop to talk to us, or wave as we walk past.

There are lots of other children from the community who also join Sports for Tots with us, it is awesome that we have a chance to interact with other children in the community as well as their friends from preschool.  Our session is half an hour and focuses on refining our gross motor skills, our ability to listen and follow instructions and our ability to be a fair player.

The children who attend sports for tots have also been able to play a leadership role as they bring back the games to the rest of the children at Preschool and teach them how to play.  We are so grateful to have been invited to take part in this free resource and share it with the rest of our Preschool.