Spring has sprung at BestStart Whangamata

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Spring has sprung at BestStart Whangamata. Beautiful sunshine-filled days have seen our tamariki out in the garden planting sweetpeas, corn, and sunflowers. 

Growing from seed has created many wonderful learning opportunities. The children have been busily exploring creative ways to protect their precious seeds from the birds. The excitement and joy on their faces when a new plant pops its head out of the soil really is a toanga for all involved. 

Alongside this wonderful learning, the children are expressing a real interest in all things creepy-crawly. Their fascination with bugs and insects is hugely evident on our planning wall and in the stories kaiako are sharing to StoryPark. This week we had a visit from one of our amazing parents who bought with her a viewing hive and so much great knowledge to share. 

The children were in awe of the bees and what an incredible treat seeing them working up close. The children and kaiako will be talking about this for weeks to come. We are all enjoying exploring lots of cooking and baking. This generally happens on a Friday and so far this term we have made pizzas, smoothies, freshly squeezed orange juice, and some delicious homemade lemonade. 

Next up is scones, though the children are still in discussion as to whether these will be made with cheese and herbs, or plain and served with strawberry jam. Whatever they decide, I am sure it will be delicious!