Spring is finally here!

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The vibrant season brings with it endless opportunities for outdoor exploration and creative play that ignites their young minds. One of the highlights of summer at our center is watching children bask in the sun, running and playing on our spacious playground. 

The laughter and joy fill the air... and the joy is infectious, and it warms our hearts to see them make the most of the beautiful weather. But the fun doesn't stop outdoors. Inside, creativity blooms as tamariki explore hot gluing and cutting with scissors and various materials. 

The colorful world of arts and crafts comes alive as they bring their imaginations to life, creating masterpieces that reflect their unique personalities. Another favorite summer activity is taking care of our baby dolls. Our young caregivers lovingly bathe their dollies in the sun, fostering a sense of responsibility and empathy. 

This playtime not only nurtures their social and emotional development but also allows them to soak up the sun's warmth and fresh air. At BestStart Waiuku, we believe that every season offers its own set of unique learning opportunities, and summer is no exception. 

As we watch our tamariki thrive in the sunshine, explore their creativity, and care for their baby dolls, we can't help but feel grateful for the wonderful experiences that this season brings to our center. Here's to a summer filled with laughter, growth, and endless fun!