Staying connected
Like the rest of the country, Community Kindy Mount was in lock down in April due to Covid 19. As teachers our natural instinct is to care for one another and stay connected. This was made possible through online learning opportunities.
We understood it was a challenging time for all families, so we asked them to stay in touch through Storypark where we supported them with sharing lots of activities to do at home with their children during lock down. We wanted to help provide a bit of comfort and normality to our Kindy children and Whanau in these unsettling times.
It all began with teachers sharing their ‘bubbles’ with the children, they responded with pictures of their own bubbles. Then came the small insights into their home learning that was happening with the prompts we were giving them each day. From feeding pets, tea parties, bike rides, artwork and even live music sessions with one of our Kindy dads we were staying connected and encouraging our families to still be part our daily lives too.
Connecting teachers to children, teachers to Whanau and whanau to other families. It was awesome to see online learning at its best.
“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass .. it’s about learning to dance in the rain” -Anonymous.