Stepping up in lockdown
Here at BestStart MacDonald Street the day started just like any other but ended with New Zealand going into another Level 4 lockdown. This was a shock to many whānau and tamariki who had to re-organise their lives on short notice.
However, our amazing MacDonald Street family took it in their stride and used this time to get their creative juices flowing. We held a collage competition and the children created amazing masterpieces that we are all so proud of. Collages are part of BestStart’s 16 areas of play which is a resource that demonstrates the learning that is happening through play. This explains what learning is happening when children play, how teachers support children’s learning and ideas for parents to continue learning at home. Please see the link below for the 16 areas of play.
We also got to share in some special moments such as birthdays and milestones being reached and thankfully, with technology, we were able to celebrate these with our whānau and tamariki.
Our centre vision of Be Strong (Kia Kaha), Be Brave (Kia Maia) and Be Steadfast (Kia Manawanui) was clearly evident during this time of uncertainty and we know, going forward, that together, we can do anything!