Summer Fun at BestStart Kilmarnock Street
In the Wheke room we love to get out in the sun in summer and keep cool with Korikori Wai (water play)! This area of play is spectacular for getting all ngā tamariki (children) working together, discovering working theories and understanding the world around them. Whether it’s through painting the playground, cooking some “food” in our mud kitchen or measuring, mixing and pouring there’s always ways to incorporate water play that are fun and involves everyone!
We work hard during our play to refine our motor skills by practicing holding containers filled with water steady, using our pincer grips to stir and pouring in and out of vessels. We watch closely as we learn what objects float and sink, and the different forms water comes in.
We build lots of our friendships through working together in this space as we are sharing a mutual interest, practicing turn taking of resources and equipment and using non-verbal and verbal communication to extend on our play.
Our Kaiako(teachers) love supporting ngā tamariki to develop in this area of play as it leads to many amazing learning outcomes for our learners.