Supporting children in their learning


Our Little Taniwha preschool room has had flurry of new enrolments and we also have a group transitioning from Small World (infants and toddlers) so we are very busy in the two and three-year-old department! A lot of tamaiti are choosing their special kaiako as they settle in and we are getting to know them and their whanau. As we discover each new child’s special interests, personality and learning dispositions, we can plan our environment and adapt our routines to meet the needs of the individual.

A huge focus for our older children has been creating spaces for themselves, making houses and enclosure so we have adapted our usual ‘tidy up and reset’ routine to support these structures. As tamaiti learn about ‘my house’ we support them to include others in their play while also respecting the children who are making the space. We acknowledge that in a busy centre environment being able to create and inhabit one’s own space is a special practice that can support learners’ sense of belonging, security and overall wellbeing.