Tamariki loves to explore here at Best Start Delta Avenue!

Tamariki loves to explore here at Best Start Delta Avenue!

In Preschool Tahi and Rua, we are so lucky to have a wide range of resources available to explore inside and outside. When the weather is warm and sunny, the outside area is a firm favourite to explore! 

Physical active play can help tamariki to develop large muscles, strength, balance, flexibility, and coordination, including hand-eye coordination. It also helps tamariki to develop skills such as throwing, catching, hopping, skipping, climbing, and balancing. They also develop an awareness of space and vocabulary, such as over/under, in front/behind, on top/beneath, and inside/outside. This type of play is great for tamariki to be confident in controlling their bodies and learn their limits. 

This is a great start for Pre-schoolers to learn how to cooperate and share and understand that physical activity is fun and can release tension. 
Side by side, we were also busy learning Te Reo Maori, and Tamariki were so proud to share their learning during group time.