The month of February at BS Milson Line!
At BestStart Milson Line, we have had a great month of February!
At the beginning, we celebrated Waitangi day with different activities throughout the different rooms and age groups from books, waiata, arts and crafts. We have had a a lot of new whanau join us here at Milson Line and we are very excited to have our new infant space opening up in the coming weeks, with lots of new pepe and their families coming on board we look foward to opening this space and providing a safe, inviting learning environment for them and their whanau.
Also here at BestStart Milson Line, we had an amazing opportunity to host a 'Set for School' evening for our centre whanau, it was a great turn out and allowed centre whanau to gain a clearer understanding of what 'set to school' looks like, and its not just about four year olds starting school, it starts with our under ones, setting them up with life skills, such as independance, social, physical, mental and emotional.
Through discussions with teachers from each age group as well as guess appearance from a local primary school, it allowed whanau/parents to gain a stronger understanding as well as feel more confident and competent with their child's learning and development.