Tiny Creatures

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Welcome back to everyone this month! It has been really great to see that everyone has settled back well after level three, and are keen to catch up with their friends and teachers again, indicating the strong relationships they hold!

This month has been an exciting one - with the warmer weather on the way the children have been delighted to see an increase in insects in our outdoor playground. This in turn has prompted interest in holding and examining these tiny creatures. We then had the opportunity to delve into a lesson in Life Science by teaching the tamariki to show kindness and respect to them by handling them gently, as well as examining their physical characteristics, reading about them in our bug book, and even making some of our own out of art materials.

Of course with bugs around we received a special visit from another well known friend, Jelly the frog. Jelly is always happy to meet all the children, and is in turn well loved, receiving many cuddles, pats and kisses from the tamariki! What a fantastic opportunity to learn about the beautiful creatures that we have on our Earth through first hand encounters while nurturing these wonderful positive qualities towards our Taonga!