Tuakana and Teina Relationships

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We have been celebrating Easter in the Studio! Our tamariki loved painting and decorating Easter eggs and were super excited to find that the Easter Bunny came to hide them in our garden. It was our job to find them! We were very proud of our tuakana helping our teina to find their eggs. They would hold hands and everyone would help each other search through the garden together.  

In the Studio, we support tukana/teina relationships to develop. This Māori concept means that an older or more expert tuakana (meaning ‘elder brother/sister’) helps and guides a younger or less expert teina (‘younger brother/sister’). We love how our four and three-year-old tamariki are learning to care for and guide many of our two-year-old friends who have been transitioning recently to the Studio. They are showing so much love and kindness and helping our new tamariki feel safe and secure in their new environment.