Tuakana Teina Experiences

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BestStart Dixon Heights tamariki decided to take the blocks into their outside environment.  They all did several trips with a range of blocks that they wanted to use.  They placed them on the mat ready for play.  They then started to create. Over the period of play there were several observations, collaboration on how this play would look from the older boys, tuakana teina experiences (where the older child teaches the younger child), problem solving, communication, turn taking and sharing.  We believe strongly in tuakana teina experiences for our tamariki, as this learning is vital for both the older and younger tamariki.  The building of relationships (Whanaungatanga) and the caring for others in their play (Manaakitanga) is shown here today.

Having opportunities to bring resources from inside out into the environment supports our Vision of "Nurture Through Nature" as we have opportunities to take control over their learning and being able to create in the fresh air and different surroundings.