Two trips to the Air Force Museum
We were very lucky to be able to organise two trips to the Air Force Museum with 12 tamariki in each group to extend their current interests in machinery and transport. The weather was very helpful for the walk and bus rides, and the tamariki were very excited with anticipation of what they were going to explore there. The first trip with 12 Kea tamariki was a guide tour and the other one was free exploration with both Kea and Pukeko tamariki. Both occasions, they were fully engaged in observing, listening, and exploring the museum. The tamariki were able to walk through so many exhibits of historical air planes and learn the importance of how they were operated and the history.
I am sure that this opportunity to visit the museum opened the door for the tamariki’s curiosity in the form of questions. They wondered about how the airplanes worked with all different parts that were displayed. We hope that this learning opportunity inspired them to wonder, imagine and dream of possibilities that are beyond what they know and spark their creativity further. Here are some moments captured during the visits.