Using a drill safely
Today at BestStart Montel, our wonderful Kaiako Maribeth came in with her special drill so we could drill drainage holes in our new tyres outside. The children were quite excited about this opportunity, for many of them, this would be their first time drilling! Maribeth marked out the places for the holes and showed the tamariki how to use a drill safely.
We discussed where we need to keep our bodies in relation to the drill to make sure we do not get hurt. All the children gathered in a circle around the tyre, waiting patiently as we took turns with Maribeth’s guidance.
This was a great way to further extend their social and communication skills as they shared, took turns, listened and followed instructions. We felt the vibrations in the tyre and could smell the tyre as it heated up with the friction of the drill. What a great sensory experience for the tamariki!
They were so proud of their achievement and the opportunity to help out within their own playground. Activities such as this help to empower our tamariki as they actively help to look after their environment and learn new skills alongside their peers.