Using our imagination

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When is a box, not a box? 

When you add imagination in our Tuatara (Toddler) Room the children went on a fantastic journey of discovery when boxes were added to the learning environment. The boxes were big and small and allowed exploring with a friend or by themselves, as the children began to explore one child brought a spade from the sandpit and began to use it as an oar. 

Curious children watching this thought it was a great idea and went to get their spades and followed along with their friends. Children talked to each other about what they were doing and where they were going on their boats, together they paddled away and sang Row, row, row your boat. Later in the afternoon, our active explorers moved the boxes down to where there was a steering wheel attached to the wall. They lined them up and made a bus. 

Soon everyone was singing the wheels on the bus and there was an excited chatter as children talked to their friends about what they may find when the bus stops, where will they be? Kaiako within the room supported the children by engaging in the experience with them, listening to their ideas, and adding resources to support them when needed. 

This experience was described perfectly by Kaiako Erin when she documented and shared with whanau about the learning that was happening- This playful experience not only brought smiles but also an enriching environment for the children to learn and grow through the magic of pretend play.