Visiting Turanga
As part of our current project on stories, BestStart Belfast Kindy went on a whole centre excursion to the new City Central Library "Turanga" near Cathedral Square. We set off on the bus which was super fun for all the children with a lot of our parents mentioning how excited their child was when they first woke up in the morning about going on the bus. For some of the children this was their first time. What a precious and special moment for the teachers and parent helpers to watch our children's reactions of wonder and awe at the the things they were seeing along the bus route. We even had a sing a long to the song " The Wheels on the Bus" on the way back.
Our lovely tour guide Andrea showed us around the children's section of the Library with explanations of what fun activities we could do here and also what a library is all about linking into our project "Stories" and how through reading it links into essential Pre- literacy skills. We even met a real life Author and got to go where the Library staff go to see the conveyor belt where the Library books get sorted once collected from the returns box.
We had a wonderful time with Andrea reading us some stories out of their collection and loved playing on the slide and also the Lego/ Duplo area.