Water Play at BestStart Huntsbury

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The Nursery tamariki love exploring outside in all kinds of weather. They love climbing the outdoor equipment, playing in the sandpit, exploring messy play, and running around in the rain (with wet weather gear on of course) - but they especially love water play! 

As soon as they see the trough come out, they all run straight to it and love to help fill it up with water and toys. We will quite often have different themes in the trough, such as sea creatures, bubbles, or washing the “babies” in the water and drying them. This teaches the tamariki how to care for others. 

These photos show the tamariki enjoying playing with water toys they can use to fill up and pour with. This is a favourite of everyone as they love being able to fill the cups, measuring spoons, containers, and watering cans with water and tip it straight back out into other objects or sometimes even on themselves or their friends! Water play is such a great activity that allows so much learning to be had, such as further developing their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, learning to move and pour water which increases concentration skills, and also further developing social skills with aspects such as sharing, turn taking, working with others, communication skills and building relationships all while having fun. 

These are all great foundation skills that will help our tamariki as they get older and continue on with their learning journeys. We love learning through fun and adventure at BestStart Huntsbury!