We are all Kaitiaki
Here at BestStart West Melton, at the end of 2024, in our 3–5-year-olds spaces, we had some new garden beds built for us by some of our wonderful whānau. All the Kaiako and tamariki were excited to get the new gardens underway with new soil and planting. The tamariki came up with lots of different options of fruits and vegetables they wanted to grow in their garden. .
Kaiako Lynne had been teaching them about the different seasons and what sort of things grow well in our area at certain times of the year. We already had a garden area that was filled with strawberry and raspberry plants so we were looking to plant something different. While learning about what grows well, we also were learning about what food fuels our bodies for playing and learning and what options are some healthy choices.
After much discussion, they children decided to plant radishes, tomatoes and cucumbers to start with. All of our tamriki took turns at different stages of planting, feeding and watering of the plants and after a few months growth it was finally time to harvest some of them! The radishes were first up, and surprisingly they were a great hit with the tamariki. We shared them at our kai times and also had plenty left over for our whanau to take home too!
Next up, it was the cucumbers, the tamariki were very excited to be trying these! Some we peeled and some had the skin on, the tamariki took turns at cutting up some slices and trying it. They were definitely a favourite and all they talked about that day. The tamariki have taken so much pride in being kaitiaki of our environment and have also been able to learn and watch these fruits and vegetables grow, showing them that if they care for something well, they can enjoy the rewards too.
We are all looking forward to the tomatoes being ready and planning what we will plant next!