We are proud winners of an Innovation Award!

Once again, we are proud winners of an Innovation Award. This was for our Cobblestone Park Project, which has now become a weekly excursion for the tamariki (children) growing little eco-warriors.  

We believe that it is important for the tamariki not only to understand how we can be sustainable at the centre but how we can make a difference in the wider community. We empower the tamariki to make a difference and give them the support and confidence to understand the importance of what they can do for our community and planet.  

Teacher (Maree's) reflection 
"The tamariki have gained so much knowledge and confidence from this project. I have noticed how they are concerned about the rubbish but also excited about being able to take care of their local community. I can see and hear by their conversations that they are really proud of the work they were doing, and many parents have commented about conversations at home about tidying up rubbish/recycling and having to visit Cobblestone park so their child can show them what they have been doing. I believe balancing the clean up/recycling with allowing time to play and explore the park is very valuable for the tamariki growth and development as our future eco-warriors".