We got to touch a big truck!

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How lucky we are to have one of our whanau who is a truck driver. As a surprise to our Tamariki we had organised Wayne to come into to the centre and bring his truck with him. The truck fit into the carpark and we were able to take the children to our very own “Regent Kindy Touch a truck event”. 

Wayne came into talk to the children at a mat time about what he does as part of his job, he;s a logging truck driver. As a centre we came up with a set of rules to keep our Tamariki safe and then we took them in groups out to the carpark and they we able to look, touch and explore the truck. Wayne turned on the lights and even beeped the horn.

Whanau engagement is a very special and unique part of who we are as a centre and this opportunity really highlighted what we as a centre mean to our whanau and what our whanau mean to us. Wayne took the whole day off work just so he could excite, inspire and delight the children of Beststart Regent Kindy.

Belonging goal 1: Children experience an environment where connecting links to the family and wider world are affirmed and extended