We love muddy puddles!


Once again we are venturing into the unknown for some! As the tamariki all run towards the puddle they are super excited. As we approach not all of them end up getting into the mud. They are a bit cautious. At a glance it is hard to tell if the mud puddle is shallow or deep. Only the tamariki who have been into the puddle before know that it is safe to jump in. So the others watch at first but realize that it is ok and wait for a turn in the puddle.

They are all happy to jump, splash and walk through the mud. If only the puddle was bigger! But they manage to fit in and then slowly disperse as the novelty wears off. It is great to see our tamariki taking risks, exploring the unknown and keeping themselves safe by watching out for each other. 

During this experience they have learnt many things like balance, controlling their own bodies, taking turns, exploring a new environment in a safe place, they know that the puddle was full of water at the beginning and gradually the water gets lower and lower as they splash the water out and eventually there is just soft, slimey mud!