Welcome to 2022!

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As our tamariki return from a long break, we planned interesting holiday activities and supported them as they resettle returning back into the centre. Our team discussed fun and exciting activities for the holiday programme suitable to the needs and interests of our tamariki.

We created holiday passports for all children attending where they would get stamps for their participation in the daily planned activity. We korero/talk with nga tamariki who shared with us that home is not as fun as it's fun in school. Holiday activities included balloon fun day, treasure hunt, mini olympics, ball games, character day, physical activities, water play, daylight disco, toy day, music and movement. Through these fun activities, our tamariki had fun and laughter and these activities provided opportunities with lots of learning and development including, social skills, confidence, literacy and numeracy, communication and physical development as we facilitated with 16 areas of play.