Welcome to the Koru Room at BestStart Kilmarnock

In the Koru Room, we value that children learn through exploring, experimenting, discovering, and problem-solving to make sense of the world around them. We believe that tamariki (children) learn best in a play-based environment that allows them to do all these things and learn about how the world around them works. 

Here in the Koru Room, tamariki are provided with opportunities to fully explore everything their environment has to offer. Children engage in a range of art, music, dance, storytelling, and dramatic play activities that allow tamariki to access and apply their creative thinking. Messy, manipulative, sensory, and water play help to support tamariki to explore, puzzle-solve, and make sense of the world around them. 

Playing outdoors and physically active play allow tamariki to engage in healthy habits and develop the skills they need to develop gross motor skills and move freely. Hands-on building, carpentry, and scientific learning experiences allow tamariki to practice and refine their ideas, knowledge, and skills of how the things around us are built and how they function. 

Culture is at the heart of everything we do in the Koru Room. We value the rich cultural knowledge, language, customs, and traditions that each tamariki and their whānau (families) bring with them and promote the rich and diverse cultural foundations on which the Koru Room is built.