Welcoming Our ​New Tamariki

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July has been a busy month in the nursery with lots of new pēpi coming to join us. With all of our new children and whānau around, we have been so proud to see how settled and welcoming our current tamariki have been. We have felt a real sense of belonging and community as our new enrolments have been welcomed in to the room by other parents and by our children who are eager and excited to have a new face to play with. We have seen some beautiful tuakana-teina relationships forming as our older tamariki welcome in the new pēpi and help to make them feel at home by sharing and inviting them in to their play. Having an environment like this has helped to give us kaiako the time to build relationships with our new pēpi and their whānau and get to know them a little more. We are so excited to have all of these families join our wee community and to be sharing their learning journeys with us.