Well-Being at BestStart North Harbour


At BestStart North Harbour, we are big on supporting our tamariki in feeling a sense of well-being. We create an environment that is calm, friendly, and warm. Our children thrive because they know that they belong to a place where they feel protected and nurtured, confident and independent. The teachers build relationships of trust and respect by acknowledging children's feelings. We involve their families and whanau in the children's learning and development. 

We work alongside each other. We build authentic relationships with each other. We support the children build their ability to communicate, build their resilience and learn self-care skills. We ensure that health is promoted. We are proud in providing healthy meals to our tamariki, and encouraging them to engage in physical activities to support them in the development of their self-worth, identity, confidence and enjoyment, and emotional regulation and self-control. 

We are genuine in providing quality care and education to our tamariki. We love for them to grow into confident and resilient individuals who will make a difference in the community we live in. We aim for them to be confident in their skills and ability, and be proud of their own culture, language, and identity.