We've been super busy in the Prep Room!
Recently we studied the letter T. What a week we had, one day we challenged the children to find a triangle in the classroom, children helped each other find them, we made the letter out of play dough, first separately then in groups, tamariki explored paint using tyres and trucks, we used tape to place on big letter T’s, then to finish the week we played a game using words and actions (toe, tongue, three, triangle, train) to reinforce the sound and letter. Learning in our room in tactic, moving around, and lots of fun!
Celebrating the Olympics in the Prep room has had lots of events including a bean bag throwing competition and there were many gold medal performances and lots of great learning going on, such as turn taking, team spirit, hand eye co-ordination, patience building and listening skills.
We also held a paper aeroplane throwing competition and this event came about by accident one rainy morning because the tamariki were so excited to try to perfect their plane throwing techniques. Very soon most of the tamariki had joined in and then we decided to try to aim our planes into a box. The tamariki took charge of this and set themselves harder and harder challenges by throwing their darts from further and further away and it was awesome to see the tamariki lead their own learning and set their own goals, as well as building many other skills besides! Tino pai!
We held hockey, rhythmic g;pymnastics ribbon floor routine, that focused on team work skills - lturn taking, listening, following instructions, cheering your peers on, patience and physical skills - hand-eye coordination, balance, body and spatial awareness, so much learning happening while having lots of fun at the same time!!!.
Children learnt how to best hold the chopsticks, (looking at Japan for Olympics) our tamariki took turns within a small group and it was such an honour to see pride beaming from each of our tamariki faces as they excelled in their determination and persistance to pick up an object with success. he rawe te ako i tetahi pukenga hou learning a new skill is awesome!