What a busy month so far!
In the Toddlers room in the month of March we have been engaging in lots of dramatic play activities where the children have enjoyed using their imaginations to make up fun games with their friends. We have been seeing this in all areas of their play both inside and out. We've been making the most of the beautiful weather with some outside activities including water play in the sandpit by filling up a trough with water as the tamariki have been developing an interest in creating cafés in the sandpit and serving food and coffee to each other. This is continuing with our interest in dramatic play. We have also been using water trough and setting up activities with sea animals as it was Sea Week in March. Bug hunts have also been a big interest with lots of children interested in finding and setting bugs free around the playground and learning what type of bugs they have found. The children have enjoyed expressing themselves through some art activities including painting, drawing and collage.