What a busy week!

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It's the end of another week and the children and teachers have been working together to learn a lot of wonderful things. We have had George the Skeleton to visit, with Mackenzie and Anna. Now we are learning about bones. We're learning a song called Bones, Bones, Bones.  We have learnt that there are 206 bones in our body.

There has been a lot of construction happening in the art room with boxes and anything else that we could find. There was a lot of imagination happening. There has been a lot of tactile experiments going on as well, with water, shaving foam, and gloop. We are all busy learning our letters and their sounds and also numbers and counting.  We have been learning how to treat our friends and look after ourselves. This week has gone so fast and we seem to be busy all the time doing exciting things.  We have had yoga, French, and helicopter stories. The children are really enjoying the helicopter stories and we are hearing some amazing stories from the children and they get to act them out as well.