We have been deciding on which of the categories we would like to enter into at our local A and P show. Children and teachers held a conversation about all the various categories we could enter into. We decided on the natural collage and decorated biscuits. Both children and teachers sourced a variety of natural resources from our local beach and centre environment. With all our natural resources ready. We all had a turn using the glue gun to glue these onto our collage. Then it was time for the decorated biscuits. We chose round wine biscuits as the base. Then our children got to work making the different coloured icing, before deciding on what sprinkles they would like. We then got to work designing and creating our own individual topping using our homemade icing and sprinkles. With the natural collage and decorated biscuits ready our manager Morgan dropped them off at the A and P show to be judged. We were so excited as we came second in both our chosen categories.