World Wildlife Day

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Here at BestStart Abacus we enjoy taking part in world awareness days.  Last week was World Wildlife Day. This day is particularly meaningful to us here because we are part of our local kids greening Taupo programme and we love learning about animals!

Throughout the day tamariki participated in fun learning experiences focused on wildlife. The favourite activity of the day was creating the artic ocean using slime! We mixed colours together to create an icy blue and added chunks of cornflour which looked like ice. This was such a fun sensory experience that the tamariki enjoyed exploring. Whilst playing with the slime tamariki asked lots of questions about the habitat of artic wildlife. We discovered what animals live there, what they eat, and how they keep warm in the freezing temperatures. Tamariki really enjoyed learning about a different part of the world and the wildlife that live there.  

Through participating in these learning experiences "Tamariki develop a sense of responsibly for the living world and knowledge about how to care for it" (Te Whariki)  We had such a fantastic World Wildlife Day and look forward to taking part in other awareness days throughout the year here at Abacus.