Zero Waste visits BestStart Albany

With the new food bin introduced in the community, we made a connection with the Zero Waste organisation who visit schools and ECE centres to help educate children on how it works and how to look after our environment. 

What do you put inside this small bin?" "Food!" Said Avaleigh. We were lucky to have these lovely ladies, Sarah and Samantha from Zero Waste, playing a fun game with us while talking about what we could put inside the new food bin that has been distributed in the neighborhood. 

It was interesting to find out that we can put tea bags and paper towels in it, too! I feel quite impressed by some of our children who already knew so much about how to use the food bin, which indicates they have been helping out at home! Thank you, dear parents, for involving your children in helping around the house. It’s an important skill to nurture. Thank you for the important life lesson today, Zero Waste ladies, I am sure our little learners will send the message home & encourage parents to participate in this important cause to look after our environment and using the food bin correctly! 

Fun fact: the collected food scraps will be sent to a station around Rotorua to generate electricity! Our children had a meaningful learning opportunity to learn about how to look after our planet and the importance of recycling. We will continue to support children in learning more about sustainability throughout our local curriculum