Zeus the Horse Visits Preschool


It has been a tradition for the past 4 years! At Best start Halswell road every show week Kaiako Sam brings her Hoiho (horse) Zeus into preschool to share a bag of carrots and have cuddles, It is a special time for many of the children to have their first experience up close with a real horse. 

Nga tamariki had been talking about the visit all week and felt confident they knew how to keep themselves and the horse feeling safe. Some of the working theories tamariki shared this year- "Don't put your fingers in his mouth" "Not too loud" "walking feet" "Gentle hands on his nose" 

Nga tamariki loved the visit and felt very excited and some a little nervous! Its one thing for tamariki to see big animals in a book or in a movie but horses are very big when you get close up! Zeus loves his visit and the pats but once the carrots were finished he was ready to go home! I love bringing Zeus for his annual visit to preschool, although it takes a lot of preparation to make this happen, it is special for me to share a part of my wider community with the children.