Today we had a large group of children supported by their room teacher, create the world with colour...
Water play is play that involves water as well as using tools such as buckets, containers, and toys...
We provided a wide range of resources online from activity ideas, songs and stories sung and read by...
Kaiako have been providing intentional activities for our tamariki so that they have the opportunity...
Here at BestStart Karaka our children really enjoy puzzles, they will spend extended periods of tim...
By exploring different mediums, such as paint, tamariki are strengthening their fine and gross motor...
This year we made vegetable soup with vegetables donated by families to celebrate Matariki, YUM!
Constructive play has a rich capacity to teach children to problem solve, connect, understand and be...
Tamariki in the Rua room are finding fun ways to learn!
Life is all about forming, nurturing and growing relationships at all levels and what we are seeing...
Lately in the Platinum Seniors we have had a huge interest in bugs and New Zealand creatures. Recog...
Here at BestStart Karaka we have been doing a holiday programme. Today was bike day and the children...