We are thrilled to announce the addition of our brand-new swing frame in our nature paddock! This ex...
How exciting that we get to experience the summer Olympics this year! We have been exploring this ev...
At BestStart Puketaha we are fortunate in that we have such a large outdoor space with real grass, a...
This week, we explored the deep blue sea with snorkels and goggles, learning about marine animals an...
Special Person Day is celebrated with our special people as they spend the day with us at BestStart...
We are celebrating diverse cultures' events, festivals, and language weeks to promote culturally re...
Matariki 2023 was a very special occasion for us at BestStart Puketaha Road. Read why this year was...
This year we celebrated the Holi festival by doing a colour run in the paddock. The children enjoyed...
Our Preschool room held an art gallery to celebrate the end of their planning cycle. The creative a...
Surrounded by trees, animals and open spaces
We love celebrating Christmas with the tamariki here, the excitement for the month of December buzze...
A community food stall is something we have been wanting to set up at BestStart Puketaha for some ti...