At BestStart Springlands, our tamariki have been exploring our new playground which has been transfo...
We are so lucky to have primary and secondary schools close by that they contact us to share their k...
Rūma Kiwi has had a change in what our environment looks like. Kaiako wanted to create a more intere...
In Ruma Tui prep room, the tamariki enjoy taking on different roles and enact real life, giving them...
Our babies have been using their bodies to develop and grow their gross motor skills
Playing games has been a great way for our tamariki to feel a sense of belonging and pride in their...
During Pipiri (June/July) you will notice Matariki twinkling in the beautiful winter night sky.
The children have been investigating and making sense of the natural world around them
The Ruma Kiwi children have been exploring outside a lot once the days warm up
During this experience the children explored working as a team to create some new art exploring text...
The children have been showing a new interest in sensory exploration
Through the month of February we have been creating a sense of belonging, building reciprocal relati...