BestStart Baverstock Oaks

Feeding baby
Baverstock - whare
Magnifying glass
Baverstock - group at table
Train track
At table
BestStart Baverstock Oaks is located in Dannemora, East Auckland. Our award-winning childcare ensures your infant, toddler, and preschooler will receive the quality care and education they require.

Be your true self, Find your way.

At BestStart Baverstock Oaks, our goal is to provide an education facility and programme to ensure a complete and holistic learning experience for children of different ages, cultures, and developmental stages. Our practice reflects the multicultural heritage of our community, and our indoor and outdoor experiences are an integral part of our programme and routine. Our teaching programme is based on values of respect, responsibility and inclusivity in a supportive and enriching environment. Our programme follows Te Whāriki (Early Childhood Curriculum) and BestStart’s unique initiatives to prepare your child for school.

BestStart是新西兰最大的幼儿教育机构,我们服务于新西兰幼儿教育行业已经有22 年了。在全国各地,我们有270多家幼儿园以及众多具有新西兰幼儿教育资质的教师。BestStart的所有幼儿园都隶属总部直接管理,因此我们拥有一支强大的教育领导团队确保和提高每个BestStart幼儿园的教育质量。

我们采用的新西兰早教教材- Te Whāriki是享誉世界的。在新西兰,儿童早期教育提倡孩子从玩中学习,注重孩子个人的喜好和发展,由孩子自己决定想要学什么以及怎么学,从而使他们逐渐形成适合自己的学习方法。众多著名的研究报告表明,教会了孩子掌握知识的方法才更有可能使他们在以后的学习和成长过程中赢得成功。这个短片就是向您简单介绍一下,在我们BestStart幼儿园孩子们是怎么样从玩中学习的。

Our Team

We are a supportive team that provides fun and exciting learning experiences for the children at the centre. Parents are a vital part of centre life and we encourage families to get involved in the various centre events throughout the year. Our centre cook provides well-balanced, nutritious meals that are both culturally and allergy sensitive. Our Healthy Heart Gold award menu and physical activity programme promotes the health and well-being of our children.

What We Offer

  • Qualified team of teachers to prepare your child's transition to school
  • Nutritious, balanced meals provided by our onsite centre cook
  • 20 hours free for 3-5 year olds and WINZ subsidies available* if required

Our Spaces

We have three dedicated rooms caring for children of different ages and developmental stages. Each room has its specially designed indoor and outdoor areas, and the teaching team in each room implements teaching methods and strategies that best suit children of different interests and needs.

Acorns Room

(Under 2's)

Budding Branches Room


Tall Oaks Room


Video Gallery

About BestStart 1 (Mandarin)
About BestStart 2 (Mandarin)
Yoga Sessions
Quality Service Award 2023

kind words from our parents


Great place, love the friendly staff and the environment.


They are doing well. All staff are very co-operative and look after the children properly.


My son loves going to school everyday. We are very happy with the centre and all the teachers.


The reason for me putting my son at this centre was the friendliness of the Manager when I made my first enquiry. Plus the teachers were really encouraging and welcoming when I took him for his first couple of initial visits to settle him in.


This is a nice centre for my boy. He can learn a lot of things from here. The teachers are very kind and friendly. I’m very at ease.


I am writing in regards to the changes I have noticed since Krisha joined Tall Oaks. Her communication has improved. She has more understanding now. She is willing to learn new things and is confident when taking new challenges. She has learned how to hold a pencil and can write the alphabet.


Thank you to the whole centre for the extra efforts in preparing Qinty for the very beginning new school year. The guidance within the centre, especially the way children were encouraged to participate during mat time and share whatever they like (told by Qinty) are very helpful and meaningful in terms of creating a similar learning environment for them. Moreover, the interactions between the children and the teachers is meaningful as I saw one of the teachers was able to recognize Qinty on the very first day of primary school. This makes me feel assured as a mother of first-year-schooler (her good memory and efforts in remembering children's names is impressive as well). Overall, thank you for your excellent leadership in organizing all of events for the children, they are crucial for Qinty.


Coming together for Matariki Celebration!