BestStart Fairy Springs
BestStart Fairy Springs is a wonderfully unique early learning centre located close to the central city. We're open all year round from 7.30am to 5.30pm and care for children aged 0 to 5 years old with a range of half and full day childcare options to suit our families needs.
There's no stopping us!
Together with our whanau, we support our children to be the best they can be, to believe in themselves and their capabilities.
BestStart Fairy Springs is a mixed age centre, with our babies and older children learning alongside each other. Learning this way means our children develop empathy and kindness, encouraging each other through tuakana-teina relationships, celebrating achievements and supporting each other to do their best.
We're independent! We foster children's independence to grow and succeed, from feeding themselves, getting themselves dressed, looking after their belongings, and even independently playing with their peers. Giving children the opportunity to develop their independence boosts their confidence and self-esteem and encourages perseverance which helps them as they face challenges.
An environment like no other! We believe that the environment children spend time in is an important teacher. By utilising our knowledge of each child and family, we set up the learning environment based on the children's interests where they are free to explore and are supported by our teachers to extend their own learning. We have a unique, huge indoor playground complete with sandpit where children can run, climb, and build sandcastles even when it's raining.
A supportive family! Our teachers spend quality time families to ensure everyone has a smooth transition into centre life. We have open communication with our families and welcome them to spend time with us whenever they like. We share what's been happening in the centre via our online portfolio Storypark and enjoy getting together and celebrating special events and occasions. We also provide healthy, delicious and nutritious meals, in line with Healthy Heart guidelines - no packing a lunchbox required!
Our infants - We have a dedicated baby teacher who provides our babies with the very best nurturing care. Our baby teacher also takes care of key moments, such as feeding, nappy changes, and sleeping. We have a warm and safe play space designed especially for our youngest babies to support, nurture, and engage them as they grow. Our babies are provided with natural heuristic resources which allows them to develop their skills at their own time.
Our toddlers - Our toddlers are supported to be independent by developing their self-help skills, such as dishing out their own kai and dressing themselves, in calm and familiar routine.
Our preschoolers - Our preschool aged children enjoy lots of creative open-ended resources - boxes, paper towel rolls, and bottle tops - giving them the opportunity to explore, imagine and work together, developing their listening and problem-solving skills as well as the art of negotiation. We ensure our children are ready for school when the time come to embark on their next learning journey - they'll have a sense of independence and personal responsibility for their belongings. They'll have a curiosity for knowledge and the confidence to ask questions and lead their own learning. There'll be no stopping them!
We welcome you to come in, talk to the teaching team and see the amazing learning that happens at our centre.
Video Gallery
kind words from our parents
What we're proud of
Read our latest ERO report
We have a Healthy Heart Award
We're part of the Building Blocks Programme
Most Trusted Childcare
Quality Service Award
Set For School
BestStart Educare Governing Organisation Report