BestStart Herewini Street

Yellow jackets 1_17May2024
Yellow Jackets 2_17May2024
Hands up_17May2024
Jumping in the air_17May2024
Yellow hats 3_17May2024
Wooden blocks_17May2024
colourful instrument_17May2024
Yellow hat_17May2024
BestStart Herewini Street has an amazing natural outdoor environment. It's designed to encourage children to use their motor skills and give them opportunities to explore nature, grow flowers and vegetables, search for insects and bugs, and learn to care and respect animals.

The Heart of our Community

He Taonga to Mokopuna, Kia whangaia, kia Tipu, Kia re

A child is a treasure, to be nurtured, to grow, to flourish.

Nau Mai, Haere Mai, Welcome to BestStart Herewini.

There is nothing like feeling at home when entering a place of learning, to know that you belong. Our community feel this the moment they walk through our gate.

The smell of fresh, healthy, and nutritious meals fills our learning environment and sit side by side with our silver healthy heart award.

We welcome visitors at any time and encourage whanau to stay and immerse themselves in our community of learning. We empower our tamariki to explore their learning environment at their own pace, in their own time.

Kaiako create learning experiences that allow for all tamariki to showcase their own special skills and then grow them.

Our indoor-outdoor flow allows for many learning opportunities to happen with teachers guiding along the way. The natural environment is essential to our learning community creating pathways of learning that are authentic, simple but challenging.

Once a month we have a Librarian from Rotorua Library visit us to share stories, songs, dance and art, which our tamariki look forward to. Our kaiako enjoying getting out in the community with our tamariki, exploring and investigating the things that interest them. We enjoy getting together with our tamariki and their whanau with special evenings created just for them, where they can get to know other families and share a meal together.

We have strong connections with our wider community to support our whanau with diverse needs. We can help with referrals, Work and Income support paperwork, Early learning process paperwork and anything else you may need us to help with.

Our Kaiako can see and discover potential in all tamariki so attend professional development, and really listen to the needs of the whanau to help guide this.

We welcome you to come in, sit down for a while, let you and your child explore and meet our amazing team. Push the big red door open and come on in to your second home.

We have two learning spaces designed to meet the needs of our tamariki as they grow.

Infants and Toddlers

​Our infant and toddler area is spacious, calm and offers wonderful natural and Montessori resources that nurtures our tamariki's natural curiosity and passion for learning.


Our area for tamariki aged over two is creatively spaced out, providing areas for them to explore natural resources, art and craft, music and storytelling, construction, family play and quiet spaces.

Video Gallery

Busy builders!
Learning to count dinosaurs
A taste of our day
Check out what we've been doing
Hop little bunnies!
Our morning waiata
Building friendships
Summertime fun at BestStart Heriwini Street
BestStart Herewini Street Annual Mother's Day Breakfast
Quality Service Award 2023
Daffodil Day 2023

kind words from our parents

Riley Family

The last 4 and a half years have flown by and Josh id ready for school. Thank you for sharing his growth, milestones and self confidence with caring and kindness. He has had outings and experiences beyond what we as a family could give him. His skills at problem solving, learning a new language, teamwork and sharing are very much appreciated.


Today I dropped Dylan off for the first time and he had stopped crying before I even left the room. I'm so happy he is feeling settled with his daycare whanau.

Jenna, Brent, Leo and Lochie

Thank you sincerely for all your individual teaching, care and love you have provided over the past 4 years. Leo has grown into such an amazing little kid with great manners and so much character so Thank you for helping shape who he has become!


Nurturing our babies at BestStart Herewini Street

Read about BestStart Herewini Street's wonderful space where our babies flourish and thrive as they develop and learn through play.

School Holiday Fun

We've had so much fun exploring our environment and enjoying a variety of different experiences with our tamariki during the Term 3 school holidays!

Marble Run Fun at BestStart Herewini Street

At BestStart Herewini Stree, we laid out marble run pieces for our four-year-old tamariki. This was a lot of fun and taught tamariki various skills such as turn-taking, collaboration, and planning!