Catering for children from 3 months to 5 years BestStart Mosgiel has a strong focus on outdoor learning. Our children can explore freely and have fun in a variety of learning spaces to learn through all their senses using exploration, investigation and challenging experiences. Children are viewed as taonga (treasures) and their holistic way of being and learning is honoured here.
We pride ourselves on creating a homely feel to our centre with our priority being that children and whānau (families) feel that this is their turangawaewae (their place). Our passionate, friendly and caring teaching team use quality teaching and everyday activities to enable our community to grow respect for themselves, each other and their environment.
Pikiwara Room (Under Twos)
A dedicated space for our youngest children where we provide a safe, nurturing environment where children can explore and discover at their own pace. We recognise the importance of nurturing trusting relationships and teachers provide this through loving, caring interactions in our every-day routines. Parents are at the heart of our centre and are encouraged to be part of children’s celebrations and learning experiences, providing a sense of whanaungatanga (connection).
Makamaka Room (Over Twos)
A large outdoor area is the highlight of our Makamaka room. Children explore freely with a large sandpit, bike track and numerous climbing challenges. Large mature trees provide plenty of shade, and learning opportunities to enjoy Papatūānuku’s finest treasures. With primary and early childhood trained teachers, we provide a variety of early literacy and numeracy experiences for children at all stages of their development. Tuakana/Teina (the older child guiding/empowering their peers) relationships provide children opportunities to develop a strong sense of manaakitanga (respect) within the community.
What can you expect from our centre:
We look forward to having your family join our family.
For more information about the specific fees for your centre, please contact us directly (03) 489 1920 / mosgiel@best-start.org. You might be eligible for support paying their childcare fees. For more information click here.
We created a masterpiece painting to reflect the night sky of Matariki. This activity was a great way for children to learn new skills and work together while creating a beautiful piece of art.